Instant Mood Lift: Brighten Your Space with a Window Sill Planter

Instant Mood Lift: Brighten Your Space with a Window Sill Planter

When outdoor space is limited or you just don’t want an outdoor garden, windowsill planters are a great option. Bonus: You don’t need much of a green thumb to use them. Here’s how to choose the right planter to help you grow veggies, herbs or flowers indoors.

Be Honest About Your Skill Level

Unique double-layer design is great for beginners.
. Better You

Do you kill everything you try to grow? If you’re busy, absent-minded or just can’t quite get your green thumb activated, a self-watering planter is a game changer. Look for one with a water-level gauge that can show you when your plant needs a refresh, like this one.

Look for Good Water Drainage

These cute metal pots have hidden drill holes to drain away extra water.


. Better You

Growing your own herbs is one of the best ways to kick your home cooking up a notch. . But herbs, like many other plants, don’t like to have their roots sitting in puddles of water—they need good drainage to grow well. So make sure you get pots or a planter for your herbs that have drainage holes. Look for potting soil that contains peat moss and perlite for extra drainage support.

Remember the Saucer

Chic and functional.


. Better You

Using a saucer with your indoor plants is key to catch excess water and prevent spills and water damage to your floors, tile and other surfaces.

Written by Lauren Brown West-Rosenthal for Better You and legally licensed through the Matcha publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to

Featured image provided by Better You

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