Founder's Fav Bundle
Founder's Fav Bundle
Recommended by Our Founder
This bundle is hand-picked by our founder, Danielle, of her favorite products she can't live without!
This bundle includes:
Hair, Skin & Nails Gummy
Liquid Multivitamin Capsules
Aqua Charge™ Drink Mix
Our Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies are known to be fast-acting for strong nails, luscious hair, and clear skin. Who doesn't want thicker, healthier hair and nails? 😍
Another great aid in daily support is our Liquid Multivitamin Capsules for health and energy. Danielle is confident she's getting all of the nutrients right away since it's a liquid. Just remember to take this capsule with some food.
The cherry on top is Aqua Charge™, our energy & hydration drink mix. Increase your energy levels at the cellular level, and hydrate faster with superior electrolytes! This is Danielle's all-time favorite daily drink. Is this her secret to becoming a #bosslady?
If you're looking for somewhere to start, try out our founder's favorite products we have to offer. If you haven't tried our snack bars, well there's a treat waiting for you 😉